Trial Account Signup

Enter your account information

*Note: if you have a previous or existing account with us, or your email is already in use please contact for further assistance.

Your personal information is confidential and will never be disclosed to third parties.

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Confirm Password:

*Password must be at least 8 characters long, and must include one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number. For additional security, include special characters as well.

Pick a LeapFILE URL for your account

Each LeapFILE account has a dedicated secure exchange website.
This website is where you will login and clients or guests will go to and upload files to you and download files.
It is also where guests go to access file portal for Professional and Enterprise Exchange accounts.
Please specify a link that is easy to remember. For example,
Your LeapFILE URL can only contain letters, numbers, and/or dashes (hyphens).

Verify your email address

To verify your email address, please click on the Send Email Verification Code button.
An email verification code will be sent to your email.

Please check your inbox and enter it into the text field below.

I agree to the terms and conditions of service.